Poetry in Motion

Farid Ahmad
2 min readJan 8, 2021

Me, the mud!

the bottom of a despond pond,

and the land of absolute solitude!

There, appears a seed!

A dream, A warrior, A survivor!

It keeps never turning over

daydream in its merry mind!

Makes its thoroughfare

through the obscure water,

Finally, finds rays, O Sunseeker!

Symbolizes potential and resilience!

Me make the water muddier,

More attractive it emerges from water!

Ergo, the special chemistry, there depicts

Divine, Perfection and Enlightenment!!

Attributed with innocence,

Grace, purity, beauty, fertility and serenity!

Being born in muddy waters; Unspoiled!

Untouched! attains spirit staying unfastened!

Firmly rooting in mire

Submerges every night to emerge alone

in the sunlight! To remain reborn again!

Me allows to break the surface of water!

It repels water! with

No visible signs of filth; for its artful

Survival! Albeit owes to root, lives in earth!

Looks Beautiful! As leaving the murky mud!

Good overcomes

Gloom and doom! Light beats out darkness!

Me, the muddy home; thus, cultivates visions!

Let it bloom in the dirt; flourish, build the base!

For what feels Broken!!

Support the Growth! Evolution! Existence!!!

Magic of Metamorphosis! Single Petal blooms

A slender celestial stem on a muddy pond garden!

Wow, an amazing flower!!!

That opens up to give life to the despond pond

The Flower finds what it needs to sustain Life!!

A spring springs in the Heat of lone Loneliness!

A Flower with

A lovely fragrance in the land of solitudes!

A haven in the game of no return, reciprocal fight!

As of then, fresh flower, full bloom, A virgin woman!

The woman is poetry

And the Poetry in motion

What makes her so beautiful!!!

by Farid Ahmad

Columnist, Story teller and University teacher

